The Morgan County Sheriff’s Office and Correctional Facility is located at 119 Lee St NE Decatur, Alabama. The facility opened June 1, 2006. The jail is 114,000 square feet and will hold approximately 560 inmates. The jail is overseen by Warden Leon Bradley. The jail is operated by 102 correction officers. There are 4 separate shifts and on an average there are 18-22 officers per each 12 hour shift. The jail is set up in a spectacular way that will reduce the risk of escapes and cut back on violence. The jail was built by a podular/ direct supervision model. The design of the new jail is set up in a way that the inmates will have continuous supervision and will be observed by correctional officers and staff at all hours of the day. The Morgan County Jail houses both inmates that have violated misdemeanor and felony crimes and includes persons who may be serving time generally for less than a year or the person may be awaiting a trial, conviction, or sentencing. Morgan County Jail also houses for 3 other municipalities and the Federal Marshals. All operations are supervised by Warden Leon Bradley.